Anggota IKAPI

English and Management Literacy

Wanapri Pangaribuan, Tanggapan C. Tampubolon, RF Lediana Sinurat, Ria Junita Tampubolon, Hamonangan Ambarita, Esa Wasgita, Sigit Maulana Ismanda

xii; 136 hlm; 16 x 23 cm
ISBN: 978-623-113-725-8
Cetakan 1, Februari 2025
Harga: Rp 80,800

Many international educational frameworks, accreditation standards, and policies are articulated in English. Understanding these documents is essential for students to align their practices with global educational standards and improve the quality of education in Indonesia. The ability to conduct research and write academic papers in English is crucial for contributing to the field of educational management. Graduates with strong English skills are more likely to publish their research in reputable journals, participate in international research collaborations, and influence educational practices.

English language competency contributes to cultural competence by exposing students to diverse viewpoints and practices. This understanding is vital for educational leaders who aim to create inclusive environments that respect and celebrate diversity. Many educational technologies, online courses, and digital learning platforms are predominantly in English. Competency in English allows students to leverage these tools effectively for enhancing learning and management processes.

Related to all of these, this book contains topics: noun clause and phrase, important terms in management, strategies for reading management literature, organizationof academic essays and reports, imporatance of effective presentation skills, and effective presentation techniques.
