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TOEFL Generation Test

Uci Dwi Cahya, Abd Halim, Elis Susanti, Sri Marleni, Umi Imtitsal Rasyidah, Widi Andewi, Fernando De Napoli Marpaung, Nur Mutmainna Halim, Donny Adiatmana Ginting, Muhammad Hassan

xiv 140 hlm; 16 x 23 cm
ISBN: 978-623-113-107-2
Cetakan 1, Desember 2023
Harga: Rp 81,600

Toefl Generation Test Reference Book contains materials for studying the toefl test. The material presented are: Part of Speech, Plural and Singular Noun, Active and Passive Voice, Subject and Verb Agreement, Phrase, Sentences and Clause, Countable and Uncountable Nouns, Structure and Written Expression, and Toefl Questions Test.

The book is very useful for teachers and the public as a basic reference in studying toefl test material. This reference book uses systematic English writing that is easy for readers to understand. Hopefully this book can provide great benefits and become a useful reference for readers.


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