Anggota IKAPI

Woman Micro Enterprise In Batam

Dede Ansyari Guci, SE., M.Sc
Puspa Liza Ghazali, PhD

Yayasan Kita Menulis, 2019
ix, 117 hlm; 16 x 23 cm
ISBN: 978-623-91536-4-9
Cetakan 1,  2019

On the opinion that the importance of the Indonesian micro enterprises and the big numbers of it, it is so very urgent and very important to find the relationship among government support, experience, attitude towards business and women entrepreneur’s performance of Micro Enterprises.

This book comes with a number of interesting facts. First, micro enterprises are of overwhelming importance in Indonesia, as they account for more than 90 percent of all firms outside the agricultural sector, and thus are the biggest source of employment. Second, the representation of women entrepreneurs is low. Third, women entrepreneurs are less experience than their men counterparts. Fourth, the micro entrepreneurs are not aware of customer satisfaction, it means that micro entrepreneurs lack of attitude towards business. Finally, the majority of existing studies suggest that the effectiveness of government programs to support micro enterprise development programs is low.

Moreover in the era of globalization, Indonesia has to prepare the micro enterprises to make the women entrepreneurs in micro enterprises can survive for future.

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